Incoming Students

Unsere Gäste aus dem Ausland

Die Käthe-Kollwitz-Schule entsendet nicht nur ihre Studierenden in andere Länder sondern betreut auch Praktikanten und Praktikantinnen aus Finnland und Schweden, die sich in Marburg sehr wohl fühlen.

Hier finden Sie jeweils einen kurzen Bericht der Besuche unserer PraktikantInnen 2018:


Als Beispiel eine Feedback-Mail von zwei Austauschschülerinnen aus Finnland:

Betreff: Re: FeedbackDatum: 9. Mai 2012 09:54:37 MESZ
We really enjoyed our time in Marburg. It was really nice to come visit in your school and meet Talisa and Janina. We really liked our apartment and our workplaces. We wanted to stay longer but we couldn't. We are planning to come again to Marburg, maybe in summer for holiday. It was good that we could call or email to you when ever we wanted and that's why we felt really safe. We don't have anything  negative feedback to say, because everything went so well and you take good care of uss. Danke schön! :) [...]

Amy and Laura